New website

Posted by Gavin on Monday, October 14, 2019

I am pleased to report that the website has been redesigned so that it is now mobile friendly.  As we alumni were all born before mobile phones even existed, I'm sure you're all so delighted by that update!  Just kidding, I bet you are all avid smart phone users really.

I also noticed that there have been a couple of planning applications submitted over the last two years, aiming to build a new house on land adjoining Hadleigh Hall.  I think that means where the trees are in the front garden!  Both applications were refused by the council.  Let's hope that the setting of the Hall continues to be protected by the council in the future.

I have also updated the former pupil list, to now include Carolyn Wright.  Apologies to Carolyn and thanks to her sister Christine who kindly pointed out that Carolyn wasn't on the list.

All best wishes,


Tags: hadleigh hall planning application 


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